It was in the summer of 2016 that I walked out in faith with my tithe. I was the person who would only tithe a little here and there. I hate to admit it, but I was scared to give 10% because I didn’t fully trust that God would provide. I was annoyed when the pastor talked about giving and honestly just felt like it was too much money to give to the church. When I saw or heard the testimonies of people tithing at the church, I thought that would never happen to me.
My husband, on the other hand, was the opposite of me. He was always taught to give your first 10% to the Lord. It wasn’t until 2016, that I realized how much God was blessing him. My husband kept moving up quickly at his job, getting big bonuses, raises, etc. When I saw this, I knew I needed to trust God with my tithe. I thought to myself, “What do I have to lose, God is faithful and he has never let me down before.” That summer, I started giving 10%, without expecting anything in return. I thought, “Okay, God, I’m going to fully trust you with my tithe.”
I didn’t think about the amount I was giving, I just gave it. I knew I wouldn’t be where I am today without Him, so why not trust Him! The first blessing from tithing came just a few months later. My husband and I were starting to pay for our wedding, when a good friend of mine gave me card at work. As I read the card, I read that she had paid for a huge part of our wedding. I was in shock and in tears, but also just so thankful.
God was blessing me through my friend because of my faithfulness. How did I know it was God? I can’t explain it…I just knew. My friend told me she had been praying and God laid on her heart to help me pay for part of my wedding. She felt that I had blessed her in a different way and she wanted to return the favor. Doesn’t God work in amazing ways?!
All of 2016 and 2017 I tithed 10% and in October 2016 I landed a better paying job. I knew God was getting me out of a bad work situation and He was blessing me. It was also around this time that God revealed to me my calling. And as much as I want to talk about that calling right now, this post is just going to be about tithing.
So fast forward to March 2017, I was laid off that “better paying job” with 3-months severance pay. What does this have to do with tithing? Well, when I was laid off, I knew God was preparing a way for me to live out my calling and that He would provide for my family.
Of course, it never fails that life immediately started throwing curveballs. My husband and I started getting all kinds of bills in the mail and it was stressful. I wanted to take time off work, but honestly with all the bills, 3-months severance pay wasn’t going to be enough for us to feel comfortable with me doing that. Little did I know, but God was working that out too.
My manager at the time felt terrible that I was let go so quickly and wanted to help. She sent my resume out to two places. I prayed about what to do and I felt at peace with the decision to work at the 6-month contract position. And here’s where the tithing comes back in… The money I would be making in six months would be about the same as what I made in a year at the “better paying job.” It was really unbelievably to me, but I knew this was God. Not only did I now have 3-months of severance pay, but also had an even better paying job. On top of all this, God was also growing my freelance business.
I know that 2017 was the year of reaping from what I sowed in 2016 and 2017. I’m excited for what 2018 has in store for me because I know in my heart that God gave me these opportunities. 2018 will be a year of spiritual and leadership growth and because I walked out in faith back in 2016, I now have 3 times more in my savings account.
Why do I tell you all of this? Because I want to encourage you to take that leap of faith. There may be something you are struggling with and God is telling you to trust Him. God will provide you with everything that you need, but you also have to take action on those opportunities He gives you. When I think about having faith, I think about this verse from Matthew 17:20 “…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” As I’m writing this I’m thinking about areas right now that God wants me to walk out in faith. Maybe God has spoken something to you or you feel a nudge to do something. Don’t ignore that “thing.” Instead, walk out in faith and remember you’ve got this!
Thank you Angela for being so open. So excited to see how God is using your life and voice to help others.
Thank you Shellie!! Love you girl.